Morristown High School Class of 1976

In our hearts your memory lingers,

Sweetly, softly, tender, true.

There is not a day dear friend

That we do not think of you.

Duane Achoe

Elan Allen

William Bow

Cynthia Clayton

Valerie Cooper

Gregory Dannucci

Philip Del Bene

Francis Delp

Glenn Fogleman

Patricia Fredrick MacGregor

Andrew Frenzel

Matthew Garris

Stephen Geissler

Karen Glover


Will Henderson

Kevin Hoffman

Curtis Hubbard

Jackie Jackson

Eric Johnson

William Johnson

Jeff Kaufman

Dexter Lopez

Pamela Markey

Lynn Mason

Ann Marie McCloskey Antonaccio

Brian McConnell

Christopher Mills

Chiquita Morris

Phyllis Sangamino

Richard Slavin

Frederica Sneed

Donald Taylor

Lance Totten

William Washington

Mitzi Williams

Leo Wu















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