Morristown High School Class of 1976
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Gail Parsons Eddy
I'm so disappointed that I'm not able to attend our 40th reunion! I've been planning a big event that occurs this Saturday, I just got back from Maine where I picked up my daughter from her Appalachian Trail hike, and really need to focus on my business, rather than taking another trip. I'm sure you'll all have a wonderful time!
My husband and I own a small business called Geek For Hire. We help people with their computer issues throughout the Denver/Boulder region of Colorado. We've been doing this since 2001. It's had its ups and downs, but mostly has been a lot of fun!
In my spare time I read, volunteer, visit nearby hot springs, take road trips in my new-to-me Sprinter Van, and enjoy live music in my kick-ass town. (If you like bluegrass, you might know that Yonder Mountain, Leftover Salmon, Elephant Revival, and String Cheese Incident all had their start in Nederland. Nederland was also the location of the Caribou Recording Studio where many of our favorite 70's records were recorded - Chicago, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, etc.)
I'm a long way from Morristown, but am happy with the choices I've made that brought me here. I'm proud of my little town in the mountains, and would welcome a visit from any of my classmates!
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